Top Hollywood celebrities wore IWCs as they made their way down the famous red carpet Sunday night. Taylor Lautner wore the Portuguese Chrono Automatic, Quentin Tarantino wore the Big Pilot, and Robin Williams wore the Pilot’s Mark XVI. Parmigiani Fleurier once again co-sponsored Sony Pictures Classics’ pre-Oscar celebration in Beverly Hills on Saturday night. Guests included Best Actress Nominee Carey Mulligan for “An Education” along with Helen Mirren and Christopher Plummer. Parmigiani is an active partner of Sony Pictures Classics events; this is the third Oscar event Parmigiani has sponsored for the independent film company.
Below, Michelle Veyna, President of Parmigiani Fleurier North America (R) with Best Actress nominee Carey Mulligan who starred in “An Education”
Michelle Veyna with Christopher Plummer and Helen Mirren