Many people make them, but not all succeed in following through, as New Year’s Resolutions remain a tricky thing. They usually focus on taking up good habits and doing away with bad. Some might also affect your watch collection, as going more frequently to the gym (or to start going at all) can help you finally get a wrist suitable for an Audemars Piguet Royal Oak Offshore or that Panerai Submersible you have had your eye on for years. Less partying will not only result in fewer hangovers but also more money in your pocket to spend on our favorite topic: watches.
I also make New Year’s resolutions specifically for my watch collection, and I know quite a few collectors who do this as well. It is usually about not buying too many watches but finally focusing on getting a grail piece, but this year is a bit different. This year, I will focus on enjoying what I already have more intensely. I noticed that I like the hunt of getting a new watch a little bit too much, as when a hunt is over, I can’t wait to start a new one. In a twist of irony, this means that I hardly enjoy the fruit of my hard labor. So this year past conquests will decorate my wrist.
Like many New Year resolutions, keeping this one up won’t be easy. In fact, I don’t even want to take bets on how long I last through the year before temptation shows its head around the corner again. It is always better to try and fail than not try at all. Besides, enjoying watches that I haven’t given much wrist time in recent years can also mean that I get a new perspective on them and rekindle the love that made me once (perhaps not even that long ago) made me go out and hunt for them. I will keep you posted on how I am doing, but for now, I wish you a happy new year and the best of luck with your New Year’s resolutions.
I like the Accutron. I have the original, 1960, with the 14k ingots at the 2 and 8. Peter